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Essential Git Commands Every Developer Must Know

Essential Git Commands Every Developer Must Know

By | | Technology

In today’s fast-paced software development world, having a strong grasp of version control is critical. Git, along with GitHub, is the cornerstone of modern development practices. Whether you’re an individual developer or part of a team, mastering Git will drastically improve your workflow. In this guide, we’ll walk through the core concepts, advanced techniques, and best practices that will make you proficient in both Git and GitHub.

Why Git Matters in Development

Imagine writing code, and you make a mistake that breaks everything—without Git, undoing those mistakes becomes a nightmare. Git is more than just a tool; it’s the industry standard for version control. It allows developers to easily track changes, roll back errors, and collaborate seamlessly across teams, ensuring smoother workflows and minimal disruptions.

Git is a distributed version control system, meaning every developer’s local copy of the project contains the full history of the codebase. This structure provides flexibility and security, giving developers the ability to work independently without risking the project’s integrity.

Getting Started with Git

Getting up and running with Git is simple. After installing Git, basic setup steps include configuring your username and email to track your contributions. Here’s how you do it:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Repositories: The Foundation of Git

A Git repository (often referred to as a “repo”) is where Git tracks all your project’s files and their versions. Repositories make it easy to save your progress and collaborate with others. To create a new Git repository, run the following command in your project directory:

git init

This initializes a Git repository in your folder and begins tracking changes from this point onward.

Key Git Commands: Add, Commit, and Push

To manage changes in Git, you’ll primarily use the following commands:

  • git add: Moves files into the staging area, preparing them for commit.
  • git commit: Saves your staged changes with a message explaining the update.
  • git push: Sends your committed changes to a remote repository (e.g., GitHub).

Here’s how you might commit a change:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin main

Branching and Merging: Key to Collaboration

Branching allows developers to create separate versions of a project to work on features or fixes independently without impacting the main codebase. When the changes are ready, they can be merged back into the main branch.

To create and switch to a new branch:

git branch feature-branch
git checkout feature-branch

After completing the changes, you can merge the branch back into main:

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch

Advanced Git: Reset, Revert, and Stash

While Git’s basic commands are powerful, advanced Git commands allow developers to handle more complex situations:

  • git reset: Undo commits and return the repository to an earlier state.
  • git revert: Create a new commit that reverses the effects of a previous commit, keeping the history intact.
  • git stash: Temporarily save uncommitted changes and revert your working directory to a clean state, useful when switching tasks.

Tip: Use git stash apply to restore stashed changes when you’re ready to continue.

Integrating Git with GitHub

GitHub extends Git’s capabilities by providing cloud storage and collaboration tools. After creating a remote repository on GitHub, you can link it to your local Git repository with:

git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/yourrepo.git

Now you can push changes to the remote repository using git push and collaborate with others via GitHub’s pull requests (PRs).

Pull Requests: Collaborating on GitHub

When working in teams, pull requests allow developers to propose code changes, get feedback, and merge updates safely. Here’s how you create a pull request after pushing your changes to a branch on GitHub:

1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
2. Click on the “Pull Requests” tab.
3. Select “New Pull Request” and choose the branch with your changes.
4. Add a description and submit the pull request for review.

Graphical User Interfaces for Git

While Git commands are powerful, many developers prefer using GUI tools for a more visual workflow. Tools like WebStorm offer built-in Git support, making tasks like branching, committing, and merging more intuitive.


Mastering Git is essential for any developer looking to collaborate effectively in today’s development environment. Whether you’re tracking code changes, resolving conflicts, or pushing to GitHub, Git streamlines your workflow and safeguards your project. By understanding both basic and advanced Git features, you’ll gain the confidence to handle even the most complex version control tasks.

So, whether you’re starting a solo project or working in a team, Git and GitHub are your best tools for efficient, error-free development. Dive in, practice, and soon enough, you’ll become the Git expert your team relies on!

47 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to Git and GitHub

  1. What is Git?
    Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes in code over time and allows multiple developers to collaborate on the same project.
  2. What is GitHub?
    GitHub is a cloud-based platform that hosts Git repositories, enabling developers to collaborate, share, and manage code.
  3. What are the basic Git commands I need to know?
    Essential Git commands include:

    • git init
    • git add
    • git commit
    • git push
    • git pull
    • git status
    • git log
  4. How does Git differ from GitHub?
    Git is a tool for version control, whereas GitHub is a platform for storing Git repositories online and facilitating collaboration.
  5. What is a Git repository?
    A Git repository (or repo) is a folder where Git tracks and manages your project’s files and their version history.
  6. How do I create a new Git repository?
    You can create a Git repository by running git init in your project folder.
  7. What is a commit in Git?
    A commit is a snapshot of your project’s current state, recording changes made to the files in the repository.
  8. How do I commit changes in Git?
    Use git add to stage changes and git commit -m "message" to commit them.
  9. What is a branch in Git?
    A branch allows you to work on different versions of your project simultaneously, keeping the main project safe from experimental changes.
  10. How do I create a new branch?
    Use the command git branch branch-name to create a new branch.
  11. How do I switch between branches in Git?
    Run git checkout branch-name to switch to a different branch.
  12. What is a merge conflict?
    A merge conflict occurs when two branches modify the same part of a file, and Git can’t automatically decide which version to keep.
  13. How do I resolve a merge conflict?
    Manually choose which changes to keep, then use git add and git commit to finalize the resolution.
  14. What does git push do?
    git push uploads your local changes to a remote repository, such as GitHub.
  15. What is git pull?
    git pull fetches changes from the remote repository and merges them into your local branch.
  16. How do I revert a commit in Git?
    Use git revert commit-hash to create a new commit that undoes the changes of a previous commit.
  17. What is git reset?
    git reset allows you to undo commits and return the project to an earlier state, with options to keep or discard the changes.
  18. What is the difference between git reset and git revert?
    git reset erases commit history, while git revert undoes changes while preserving the commit history.
  19. What is git stash used for?
    git stash temporarily saves uncommitted changes so you can switch to another task or branch.
  20. How do I apply stashed changes in Git?
    Run git stash apply to restore stashed changes.
  21. How do I initialize Git on my computer?
    Install Git from git-scm.com and run git init in your project directory.
  22. What is a remote repository?
    A remote repository is a version of your project hosted online (e.g., on GitHub) that you can push and pull code to and from.
  23. How do I clone a repository from GitHub?
    Use git clone repository-url to copy a GitHub repository to your local machine.
  24. How do I link my local repository to a GitHub repository?
    Run git remote add origin repository-url to link a local repo to a GitHub repo.
  25. What is a pull request (PR)?
    A pull request is a GitHub feature where developers propose changes to a repository, allowing others to review and merge the changes.
  26. How do I create a pull request?
    After pushing changes to a branch on GitHub, click “New Pull Request” in the repository’s PR tab.
  27. What is the difference between git fetch and git pull?
    git fetch downloads updates from the remote without merging them, while git pull fetches and merges the changes.
  28. How do I delete a branch in Git?
    Use git branch -d branch-name to delete a branch locally and git push origin --delete branch-name to delete it remotely.
  29. What is a Git commit message?
    A commit message describes the changes made in a commit and is written using git commit -m "message".
  30. Why is version control important in coding?
    Version control allows you to track code changes, collaborate with others, and easily revert to previous versions when needed.
  31. What is cherry-picking in Git?
    Cherry-picking allows you to apply specific commits from one branch to another without merging the entire branch.
  32. How do I cherry-pick a commit?
    Use git cherry-pick commit-hash to apply the changes from a specific commit to your current branch.
  33. What is the head in Git?
    The head refers to the latest commit in your current branch.
  34. What does a detached head mean in Git?
    A detached head occurs when Git points to a specific commit rather than the latest commit in the branch.
  35. How do I fix a detached head in Git?
    Switch back to the main branch using git checkout main.
  36. Can I have multiple remotes in Git?
    Yes, you can have multiple remotes by running git remote add remote-name repository-url.
  37. What is git log used for?
    git log shows the commit history of your project.
  38. How do I revert to a previous commit?
    Use git checkout commit-hash to view a previous commit or git reset to revert to it.
  39. How do I squash commits in Git?
    Use git rebase -i and mark the commits you want to squash.
  40. What is git merge?
    git merge combines the changes from one branch into another.
  41. What is a fast-forward merge in Git?
    A fast-forward merge happens when there are no divergent changes between the branches, and Git simply moves the pointer forward.
  42. How do I view the changes in a commit?
    Use git show commit-hash to view the changes made in a specific commit.
  43. What is a fork in GitHub?
    Forking creates a personal copy of someone else’s GitHub repository, allowing you to modify and contribute without affecting the original.
  44. What is git rebase?
    git rebase moves or combines commits from one branch onto another to keep a linear project history.
  45. How do I undo an uncommitted change?
    Use git checkout -- file-name to discard changes to a file that haven’t been committed.
  46. What is continuous integration with GitHub?
    Continuous integration (CI) is a practice where changes pushed to GitHub automatically trigger tests and builds.
  47. What is the best way to learn Git?
    Start by practicing basic commands, collaborating on projects, and using GitHub for version control. Follow tutorials and work with real-world examples to gain practical experience.

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